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Texture Project
This was a turbo project which meant that i was given a very small amount of time to recreate these textures as realistically as possible.
To make the rock texture i used car body filler smoothed over in certain areas and left wholes and gaps in other areas. I then used a sponge in the gaps to create a rough texture in the cbf. I used green, blue, black and white acrylic paint to colour the texture.
For the banana i used a mixture of acrylic paint and silicon to give the rubbery texture you get when you touch a banana. The silicon rubbed off in areas to give the appearance of a bruised banana.
When recreating the shell texture I used a spatula to smooth car body filler in an upwards stroke to create mounds. I then worked into these mounds using a smaller spatula to give a sharp appearance.
Materials used
- car body filler
- acrylic paint
- silicon